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Spotify is an on-demand music streaming service

What is Spotify?

Spotify is an online music streaming application, which works on a freemium business model. Spotify provides free music, podcast, and video streaming and improved podcast quality as well as advertisement free and unlimited download services to their premium subscribers. Spotify has introduced 3 different types of versions.

Spotify’s work may impact on computer’s hard disc space and internet connection of users. Spotify does not work like many other online music services because it relies on several ways to smoothly deliver music to its users with no delays. Spotify wants to keep latency at a low level to make sure there is no massive delay between choosing a track and hearing it on phone or computer of the user. Here latency is a measurement of delay between requesting a song and hearing it.

Spotify Business Model

Artists & record labels were quick to pounce upon the emergence of technology. First, it was iTunes, then youtube & now dozens of music streaming apps. With a user base as big as 179 million, it was evident that all the leading record labels & artists would want to release their tracks on Spotify along with the worldwide release elsewhere. Spotify business model is an interesting case study in the digital music streaming industry. What started from just music has reached new heights today. They also stream videos which effectively eliminates your need to launch the music video of the track from youtube. Soon they launched other podcasts.

They had a variety of categories. Starting from guided meditation to scary stories, fictions to biographies, you name it & they had it. They also had a section called The Artist Speaks in which they interviewed artists & song makers & listeners could enjoy the whole behind the scene drama of all their favourite tracks.

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